Breast Thermography
No Pain. No Squeezing. No Radiation.
Breast thermography is a non-invasive, radiation-free imaging method that detects changes in your breasts by measuring the heat emitted by the body. Thermography allows us to monitor your breast health in a way that is safe, painless, and comfortable.
The Problem
Breast imaging tools like mammograms and ultrasounds have limitations that can impact the accuracy of diagnosis. For instance, mammograms have a tendency to miss tumors in dense breast tissue, leading to false negative results. Additionally, the radiation exposure from frequent mammograms can pose health risks. On the other hand, the accuracy of ultrasounds is dependent on the skill of the operator and the density of breast tissue, which means they may also miss small tumors. These inherent limitations underscore the importance of developing more advanced imaging tools that can reliably detect breast cancer in its early stages.
The Solution
By measuring heat patterns in your breast, thermography can potentially identify abnormalities at an early stage, regardless of your age. Here are the benefits:
thermography can be done while you are pregnant or breastfeeding
thermography can be done by women of ALL AGES
Thermography is a valuable tool in monitoring breast health and aiding in the prevention and early intervention of breast disorders.
Book an Imaging Session
Our team members are certified by the International Association of Certified Thermographers. We are happy to help you take charge of your breast health!